McCall’s FASHION FIRSTS Sewing Patterns

There is a certain allure to McCall’s “Fashion Firsts” sewing pattern series. May 1953 McCall’s Pattern Magazine has an article introducing the series and what makes them so special. “All the patterns of this new series are adapted from important imports. The smart lines of the original have been preserved intact. In every way the pattern reproduces the original faithfully.” (McCall’s Magazine May 1953)

This page spread features McCall’s “Fashion Firsts” 9280 , 9285, and 9292.

Second page spread features: McCall’s Fashion Firsts 9283 , 9332 , 9334 , 9358 , 9368 .  All beautiful and special for sewists to make a fashion statement. The series includes, two piece suits, evening dresses, bridal gowns, and more.


We have recently added McCall’s Fashion First 9358 to our collection. So chic! If you are a collector fortunate to have one of these series in your pattern stash, please share it with us. Happy Sewing!




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